
Apart from the treasure-trove of information that is this blog, here are some resources that can help make your birding experience one to remember!
  • Know your birds - Learning to identify the birds that you see is a key part of being a birder. Spotting a new bird (or a "lifer") is an exciting experience and also useful in national and international bird counts that study population growths and migration patterns. Although a wide variety of birds are covered in this blog, it is by no means exhaustive. It is important to keep a few reference books handy to take you through the learning process. Read more...
  • What kind of birder are you? - Birding involves two key features, observation and documentation. Although there are different ways of undertaking both those processes, I use these terms to describe whether you would be interested in getting yourself a pair of binoculars (observer) or a camera (photographer). Both are vital to bird watching and entry-level models can be purchased without spending an exorbitant amount of money. Read more...
  • Bringing birds closer - I am, by and large, against the idea of tampering with nature and the balance it maintains towards the survival of a species. I read a lot about the pros and cons of bird feeders and finally, together with a friend, decided to get a couple of feeders from an online website. Our initial attempt was not very fruitful, but I am keen to try again. Read more...
  • Your own birding group - One of the best ways to pick up birding as a hobby is to do it as a group. Having a friend or a group of friends with your common interest not only brings you extra pairs of eyes to keep a look out for birds, but it also allows you to exchange notes, stories and experiences. I have been fortunate to have had a lovely group of people who have accompanied me on many birding trips and have shared my interest in birds and photography. Read more...
  • Early Bird - Although Early Bird is aimed at children, I am using it to support people who are "young" at birding! The goal of this project by the Nature Conservation Foundation is to get young people interested in and excited about birds, by creating high-quality print and online resources. I bought a set of flashcards and a pocket poster guide of common birds of the Indian peninsula which are cheap and a rich source of information creatively drafted towards encouraging bird watching among budding birders. Read more...