30 August, 2015

Campus Contours Trail

Route: This route starts at the main gate and goes towards the staff quarters in a route parallel to the main barricade road, but inside campus. Turning around the residences and passing Hostel-2, you head behind the offices and labs in IB-1 and IB-3 and into the back of the canteen. You then head right towards the extreme end (diagonally opposite from the main gate) which is a good spot for birds. Then, you retrace your path a little, head towards the basketball court and turn towards the front of IB-3. From here you follow the road to the MRI building and turn to follow the path back to the main gate.

Attractions: A simple 1.5km walk that takes you along the contours of the institute while keeping you within the confines of familiar environment. The path lets you peek into the jungle from a distance, and also lets you take in the variety of trees and bushes on campus that attracts a large range of birds. The dense foliage in front of IB-3 attracts many bulbuls, redstarts, barbets, red-wattled lapwing, doves, green pigeons, parakeets, baya weavers and many more.

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