30 August, 2015

Water Spots Trail

Route: This route starts at the main gate and goes via a clear path through the heart of the jungle to a little pond. Moving out onto the road, you cross a long drain with a small marsh on either side that is another great spot for birds. You then cut back into the jungle, head to the pond near NBRC and finally follow the path to reappear just behind Monu's shop and back at the main gate again!

Attractions: A wonderful 1.6km walk that maximizes your chances of spotting water birds and gives you a view of the jungle as well. This trail covers three main water-body spots that are great locations for birds to quench their thirst and cool off in the summer heat. The two ponds that you cross on this trail gives you the opportunity to see birds like the black-winged stilt, sandpipers, white-breasted waterhen and common moorhens. The drain is great for warblers, blue throats and other small birds as well.

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