30 August, 2015

Nainwal Explorer Trail

Route: This route begins at the main gate and goes from inside NBRC, past the basketball court, over the fence and into the strawberry fields behind. Following the track leads you to the mustard and corn fields. A left at a crossroad takes you into the nearby town of Nainwal, past the houses and into the fields behind. Finally the route circles back to the main Nainwal road that returns to the NBRC barricade. The final stretch is the barricade road that takes you back to the main gate again!

Attractions: A long walk (took me about 2 hours with many birding stops) of 4.0km. Gives you a glimpse of the houses and fields of Nainwal and the chance to see moorhens, stilts, prinias, babblers, robins and a whole host of other birds.

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